
The List

The list of things I should accomplish while on vacation from lovely advertising job:

#1 Redesign business cards, earring cards, postcards, blog banners to reflect new font on www.LoriMagno.com

#2 Enable shopping cart technology on website. (Genius.)

#3 Bounce www.ModadiMagno.com to www.LoriMagno.com  DONE!!!

#4 Scan all 2010 design sketches into computer

#5 Accounting. (Ugh, but made easier thanks to Neat Receipts.)

#6 Clean and 'reset' the studio. I'll probably need way more than 8 days for that. SURPRISED myself and got way more done there than I thought possible.

#7 Sleep for 24 hours straight. FAILED, but did get some good sleep in between family events and a blizzard.

Progress reports shall be forthcoming.

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