
Another Awesome Customer Note!

It's always thrilling to get notes from customers telling you that they love their item, it's mind-blowing when they make a photo montage and put it on your Facebook page!  My other favorite thank you photo is here. Thank you to all of my lovely and amazing and talented customers - you make this a joyful art and for that I am so grateful!

Marina purchased the Right Round Neckpiece from my brand new shop on Makers Market.
About Makers Market: Introducing Makers Market. A collaboration between the creators of MAKE and Boing Boing, Makers Market is an online marketplace bringing together our favorite entrepreneurial makers selling products and services directly to DIY enthusiasts – people with a thirst for life — enriching exploration through hands-on science and tech projects, risk-taking, art, sustainability, self-reliance, and hands-on learning. Not to mention a pinch of mischief-making tossed in for good measure.

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